I know that I am not a professional in anything, but I believe that I make valid points on various topics, in a progressive thinking sense. I do want to see college athletes get paid, I do want to legalize gay marriage everywhere, but don’t call me a liberal. An affiliation to a political party doesn’t intrigue me as much as an inclination with rational thinking. Shit, I’m only 18, I don’t pay my own bills yet. Though I am young, living where I have lived and going to the schools I’ve went to, makes me feel I have had encountered a variety of different walks of life and experienced things a lot of people haven’t experienced. I went to one of the top private schools in the country, the second largest as well. Here I made friends with the hyper rich of the nation, as well as the ones like me who were on financial aid and had parents bending over backwards just to keep me in the school.

Growing up, I am very fortunate to have never known the struggles that my parents went through. They grew up in the rough boroughs of NYC, and moved me and my brothers out of there shortly after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 (which my father videotaped from our terrace on the 35th floor). My parents never wanted me to see the carnage they saw, and for that I am grateful. They wanted me to experience life and excel at it, and be given opportunities way beyond what they were given. Sure I have squandered a few, not getting the athletic scholarships I should have back in high school, or doing better academically, but nonetheless they are still proud of what I have accomplished this far in my life. I was the captain of my lacrosse team in high school as well as an All-State defensive lineman in football. I’ve willed myself to work up to 50 hour work weeks for months at a time. If that’s not impressive, I’ll find better ways to impress as time goes on. I’d much rather have a conversation with you about religion, or the marketing strategies that are completely obvious nowadays, than about whose doing who on this week’s reality show.