
Growing up in very diverse environments my whole life, coming from NYC to Atlanta, I have never been taught to go with the ideologies of the masses. I have been #teamAtheist since 6th grade as well as seen 9/11 unfold at the age of 6. I have always been top 2 darkest skin colored in any given room, but have always been able to click with the quote on quote “whitest” or “dorkiest” people in the room. I love the culture of rap and the confidence, dynamics, and versatility that comes with it, but hate the ignorance that goes hand and hand with it. I love my culture, but am I upset with the large amount of stupidity that people display when they choose to discuss or promote the most irrelevant news. I want to be a broadcaster at some point in my career, but I want to report on actual news, not tabloids, or news companies that choose to follow every waking movement of someone until that person is driven to insanity. I want to report on the people doing something excellent with their life, and find out how I can emulate what they are doing and replicate it.

I am very fortunate to have never known the struggles that my parents went through. They grew up in the rough boroughs of NYC, and moved me and my brothers out of there shortly after 9/11 (which my father videotaped from our terrace on the 35th floor). My parents never wanted me to see the carnage they saw, and for that I am grateful. They wanted me to experience life and excel at it, and be given opportunities way beyond what they were given. Sure I have squandered a few, not getting the athletic scholarships I should have back in high school, or doing better academically, but nonetheless they are still proud of what I have accomplished this far in my life. I was the captain of my lacrosse team in high school as well as an All-State defensive lineman in football. I’ve willed myself to work up to 50 hour work weeks for months at a time. If that’s not impressive, I’ll find better ways to impress as time goes on. I’d much rather have a conversation with you about religion, or the marketing strategies that are completely obvious nowadays, than about whose doing who on this week’s reality show.

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